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Every day I wake up with chronic pain, it never ends.  But people do not always understand. It is sometimes hard to explain a chronic illness like Fibromylagia, I do not have broken bones in casts, I have all my limbs, etc. sometimes people are curious when I am in a wheel chair or using a cane.  Two years ago a Nurse was at my house and said I needed to be in a wheel chair permanently.  But sometimes I wish I had that wheel chair, it so difficult lately for me to walk, or even just move.  I don’t even want to get out of my bed because it hurts so much to move.

Tonight I have been in my bed crying in agony. It is hurtful when my doctors say it is “just” your fibromyalgia. That statement is loaded and I do not think they realize it. Fibromyalgia is painful, debilitating and really can mess up so many facets of your life. You are unable to sleep right, you get depression and anxiety problems, you get physical pain, you suffer financially from not being able to work, spiritually you may become broken, it affects you every possible way.

SO, how do you manage this disease?

My answer is Faith, and a good support system around yourself, a good lifestyle including diet and exercise, and I pray for a cure one day.